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Version: 5.9

Ktor Matchers

Code is kept on a separate repository and on a different group: io.kotest.extensions.

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implementation "io.kotest.extensions:kotest-assertions-ktor:version"

Matchers for Ktor are provided by the kotest-assertions-ktor module.

Test Application Response​

The following matchers are used when testing via the ktor server testkit.

TestApplicationResponse.shouldHaveStatus(HttpStatusCode)Asserts that the response had the given http status code
TestApplicationResponse.shouldHaveContent(content)Asserts that the response has the given body
TestApplicationResponse.shouldHaveContentType(ContentType)Asserts that the response has the given Content Type
TestApplicationResponse.shouldHaveHeader(name, value)Asserts that the response included the given name=value header
TestApplicationResponse.shouldHaveCookie(name, value)Asserts that the response included the given cookie
TestApplicationResponse.shouldHaveCacheControl(value)Asserts that the response included the given cache control header
TestApplicationResponse.shouldHaveETag(value)Asserts that the response included the given etag header
TestApplicationResponse.shouldHaveContentEncoding(value)Asserts that the response included the given content encoding header


The following matchers can be used against responses from the ktor http client.

HttpResponse.shouldHaveStatus(HttpStatusCode)Asserts that the response had the given http status code
HttpResponse.shouldHaveContentType(ContentType)Asserts that the response has the given Content Type
HttpResponse.shouldHaveHeader(name, value)Asserts that the response included the given name=value header
HttpResponse.shouldHaveVersion(HttpProtocolVersion)Asserts that the response used the given protocol version
HttpResponse.shouldHaveCacheControl(value)Asserts that the response included the given cache control header
HttpResponse.shouldHaveETag(value)Asserts that the response included the given etag header
HttpResponse.shouldHaveContentEncoding(value)Asserts that the response included the given content encoding header