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Version: 5.9

Embedded Kafka Extension

Kotest offers an extension that spins up an embedded Kafka instance. This can help in situations where using the kafka docker images are an issue.

To use this extension add the io.kotest.extensions:kotest-extensions-embedded-kafka module to your test compile path.

Getting started:​

Register the embeddedKafkaListener listener in your test class:

class EmbeddedKafkaListenerTest : FunSpec({


class EmbeddedKafkaListenerTest : FunSpec() {
init {

And the broker will be started once the spec is created and stopped once the spec completes.

Note: The underlying embedded kafka library uses a global object for state. Do not start multiple kafka instances at the same time.

Consumer / Producer​

To create a consumer and producer we can use convenience methods on the listener:

class EmbeddedKafkaListenerTest : FunSpec({


test("send / receive") {

val producer = embeddedKafkaListener.stringStringProducer()
producer.send(ProducerRecord("foo", "a"))

val consumer = embeddedKafkaListener.stringStringConsumer("foo")
eventually(10.seconds) {
consumer.poll(1000).first().value() shouldBe "a"


The stringStringProducer and stringStringConsumer methods return a producer / consumer that accept strings for the keys and values. Similar methods exist for byte pairs.

Alternatively, you can access the host/port the Kafka instance was deployed on and create the clients yourself:

class EmbeddedKafkaListenerTest : FunSpec({


val props = Properties().apply {
put(CommonClientConfigs.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "${}:${embeddedKafkaListener.port}")

val producer = KafkaProducer<String, String>(props)


Custom Ports​

You can create a new instance of the listener specifying a port and then use that instance rather than the default instance.

class EmbeddedKafkaCustomPortTest : FunSpec({

val listener = EmbeddedKafkaListener(5678)

test("send / receive") {

val producer = listener.stringStringProducer()
producer.send(ProducerRecord("foo", "a"))

val consumer = listener.stringStringConsumer("foo")
eventually(10.seconds) {
consumer.poll(1000).first().value() shouldBe "a"

You can also do specify the zookeeper port using an alternative overload.

val listener = EmbeddedKafkaListener(kafkaPort = 6005, zookeeperPort = 9005)