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Version: 5.9

Arrow Generators

Kotest provides an optional module that provides generators for Arrow.


To use, add io.kotest.extensions:kotest-property-arrow:versionand io.arrow-kt:arrow-core:arrow-version to your build. This holds true for the optics module kotest-property-arrow-optics, by adding io.arrow-kt:arrow-optics:arrow-version, too.

Arb.either(arbL, arbR)Generates approx 50/50 of left and right from the underlying generators.
Arb.right(arb)Generates instances of [Either.Right] using the given arb.
Arb.left(arb)Generates instances of [Either.Left] using the given arb.
Arb.nel(arb)Generates NonEmptyList instances with a size randomly choosen between 1 and 100, with elements populated from the given arb.
Arb.nel(arb, range)Generates NonEmptyList instances with a size randomly chosen from the given range, with elements populated from the given arb.
Exhaustive.option(a)Returns an Exhaustive that contains a None and a Some with the given value.
Exhaustive.none(a)Returns an Exhaustive that contains None.
Arb.option(arb)Generates both None and Some with Some's populated with values from the given arb.
Arb.some(arb)Generates Some's populated with values from the given arb.
Arb.none()A constant arb that returns None. Equivalent to Exhaustive.None and provided only for use when an Arb is required.
Arb.endo(arb)Wraps values from the underlying arb in Endo instances.
Arb<A>.evalNow()Wraps values from the receiver in
Arb.validated(invalid, valid)Generates approx 50/50 of valid and invalid Validated instances using the supplied arbs for values
Arb.validatedNel(invalid, valid)Generates approx 50/50 of valid and invalid ValidatedNel instances using the supplied arbs for values