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Version: 5.2


The Mutation Testing tool Pitest is integrated with Kotest via an extension module.

After configuring Pitest, add the io.kotest.extensions:kotest-extensions-pitest module to your dependencies as well:


Note: Since pitest is an extension, we use a different maven group name (io.kotest.extensions) from the core modules.

After doing that, we need to inform Pitest that we're going to use Kotest as a testPlugin:

// Assuming that you have already configured the Gradle/Maven extension
configure<PitestPluginExtension> {
// testPlugin.set("Kotest") // needed only with old PIT <1.6.7, otherwise having kotest-extensions-pitest on classpath is enough

This should set everything up, and running ./gradlew pitest will generate reports in the way you configured.