date.shouldHaveSameYearAs(otherDate) | Asserts that the date has the same year as the given date. |
date.shouldHaveSameMonthAs(otherDate) | Asserts that the date has the same month as the given date. |
date.shouldHaveSameDayAs(otherDate) | Asserts that the date has the same day of the month as the given date. |
date.shouldBeBefore(otherDate) | Asserts that the date is before the given date. |
date.shouldBeAfter(otherDate) | Asserts that the date is after the given date. |
date.shouldBeWithin(period, otherDate) | Asserts that the date is within the period of the given date. |
date.shouldBeWithin(duration, otherDate) | Asserts that the date is within the duration of the given date. |
date.shouldBeBetween(firstDate, secondDate) | Asserts that the date is between firstdate and seconddate. |
date.shouldHaveYear(year) | Asserts that the date have correct year. |
date.shouldHaveMonth(month) | Asserts that the date have correct month. |
date.shouldHaveDayOfYear(day) | Asserts that the date have correct day of year. |
date.shouldHaveDayOfMonth(day) | Asserts that the date have correct day of month. |
date.shouldHaveDayOfWeek(day) | Asserts that the date have correct day of week. |
date.shouldHaveHour(hour) | Asserts that the date have correct hour. |
date.shouldHaveMinute(Minute) | Asserts that the date have correct minute. |
date.shouldHaveSecond(second) | Asserts that the date have correct second. |
date.shouldHaveNano(nano) | Asserts that the date have correct nano second. |