Framework configuration properties
package io.kotest.core.internal
object KotestEngineProperties {
const val scriptsEnabled = "kotest.framework.scripts.enabled"
const val dumpConfig = "kotest.framework.dump.config"
* Sets the tag expression that determines included/excluded tags.
const val tagExpression = "kotest.tags"
const val excludeTags = "kotest.tags.exclude"
const val includeTags = "kotest.tags.include"
* A regex expression that is used to match the test [io.kotest.core.descriptors.Descriptor]'s path
* to determine if a test should be included in the test plan or not.
const val filterTests = "kotest.filter.tests"
* A regex expression that is used to match the [io.kotest.mpp.bestName] of a class
* to determine if a spec should be included in the test plan or not.
const val filterSpecs = "kotest.filter.specs"
const val propertiesFilename = ""
* If set to true, then source ref's will not be created for test cases.
* This may speed up builds (as the engine will not need to create stack traces to
* generate line numbers) but will also reduce functionality in the intellij plugin
* (by limiting the ability to drill directly into the test inside a file).
const val disableSourceRef = "kotest.framework.sourceref.disable"
* If set to true, disables the use of '!' as a prefix to disable tests.
const val disableBangPrefix = "kotest.bang.disable"
* The default [io.kotest.core.spec.IsolationMode] for specs.
const val isolationMode = "kotest.framework.isolation.mode"
* The default [io.kotest.core.test.AssertionMode] for tests.
const val assertionMode = "kotest.framework.assertion.mode"
* The default parallelism for specs.
const val parallelism = "kotest.framework.parallelism"
* The default timeout for test cases.
const val timeout = "kotest.framework.timeout"
* The default timeout for the entire test suite.
const val projectTimeout = "kotest.framework.projecttimeout"
const val logLevel = "kotest.framework.loglevel"
* The default timeout for each invocation of a test case.
const val invocationTimeout = "kotest.framework.invocation.timeout"
const val disableTestNestedJarScanning = "kotest.framework.disable.test.nested.jar.scanning"
const val concurrentSpecs = "kotest.framework.spec.concurrent"
const val concurrentTests = "kotest.framework.test.concurrent"
* Disable scanning the classpath for configuration classes by setting this property to true
const val disableConfigurationClassPathScanning = "kotest.framework.classpath.scanning.config.disable"
* Specify a fully qualified name to use for project config.
* This class will be instantiated via reflection.
const val configurationClassName = "kotest.framework.config.fqn"
* Disable scanning the classpath for listeners with @AutoScan by setting this property to true
const val disableAutoScanClassPathScanning = "kotest.framework.classpath.scanning.autoscan.disable"
const val allowMultilineTestName = "kotest.framework.testname.multiline"
* If set -> filter testCases by this severity level and higher, else running all
const val testSeverity = "kotest.framework.test.severity"
* Enable assert softly globally.
* */
const val globalAssertSoftly = "kotest.framework.assertion.globalassertsoftly"
* Appends all tags associated with a test case to its display name.
* */
const val testNameAppendTags = "kotest.framework.testname.append.tags"
* Controls whether classes will inherit tags from their supertypes. Default false
const val tagInheritance = "kotest.framework.tag.inheritance"
* Controls the [io.kotest.core.names.DuplicateTestNameMode] mode.
const val duplicateTestNameMode = "kotest.framework.testname.duplicate.mode"
const val disableJarDiscovery = "kotest.framework.discovery.jar.scan.disable"