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Version: 5.9

Introduction to Extensions

Extensions are reusable lifecycle hooks. In fact, lifecycle hooks are themselves represented internally as instances of extensions. In the past, Kotest used the term listeners for simple interfaces and extension for more advanced interfaces, however there is no distinction between the two and the terms can be used interchangeably.

How to use​

The basic usage is to create an implementation of the required extension interface and register it with a test, a spec, or project wide in ProjectConfig.

For example, here we create a before and after spec listener, and register it with a spec.

class MyTestListener : BeforeSpecListener, AfterSpecListener {
override suspend fun beforeSpec(spec:Spec) {
// power up kafka
override suspend fun afterSpec(spec: Spec) {
// shutdown kafka

class TestSpec : WordSpec({
// tests here

Any extensions registered inside a Spec will be used for all tests in that spec (including test factories and nested tests).

To run an extension for every spec in the entire project you can either mark the listener with @AutoScan, or you can register the listener via project config.

An example of @AutoScan on a project listener:

object MyProjectListener : BeforeProjectListener, AfterProjectListener {
override suspend fun beforeProject() {
println("Project starting")
override suspend fun afterProject() {
println("Project complete")

Some extensions can only be registered at the project level. For example, registering a BeforeProjectListener inside a spec will have no effect, since the project has already started by the time that extension would be encountered!