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Version: 5.9

Test Timeouts

Kotest supports two types of test timeout. The first is the overall time for all invocations of a test. This is just called timeout. The second is per individual run of a test, and this is called invocation timeout.

Test Timeout​

To set a test timeout, we can use test config:

class TimeoutTest : FunSpec({
test("this test will timeout quickly!").config(timeout = 100.milliseconds) {
// test here

Alternatively, we can apply a test timeout for all tests in a spec file:

class TimeoutTest : FunSpec({

timeout = 100.milliseconds

test("this test will timeout quickly!") {
// test here

test("so will this one!") {
// test here

The time taken for a test includes the execution time taken for nested tests, so factor this into your timeouts.

Invocation Timeout​

Kotest can be configured to invoke a test multiple times. For example:

class TimeoutTest : DescribeSpec({

describe("my test context") {
it("run me three times").config(invocations = 3) {
// this test will be invoked three times


We can then apply a timeout per invocation using the invocationTimeout property.

class TimeoutTest : DescribeSpec({

describe("my test context") {
it("run me three times").config(invocations = 3, invocationTimeout = 60.milliseconds) {
// this test will be invoked three times and each has a timeout of 60 milliseconds


In the previous example, each invocation must complete in 60 milliseconds or less. We can combine this with an overall test timeout:

class TimeoutTest : DescribeSpec({

describe("my test context") {
it("run me three times").config(timeout = 100.milliseconds, invocations = 3, invocationTimeout = 60.milliseconds) {
// this test will be invoked three times


Here we want all three tests to complete in 100 milliseconds or less, but allow any particular invocation to extend up to 60 milliseconds.

We can apply invocation timeouts at the spec level just like test timeouts:

class TimeoutTest : FunSpec({

invocationTimeout = 25.milliseconds

test("foo") {
// test here

test("bar") {
// test here

Project wide settings​

We can apply a test and/or invocation timeout for all tests in a module using project config.

object ProjectConfig : AbstractProjectConfig {
override val timeout = 100.milliseconds
override val invocationTimeout = 33.milliseconds

These values will take affect unless overriden at either the spec or the test level.


You can set a project wide timeout for tests and then override it per spec or per test

System Properties​

Both test timeout and invocation timeouts can be set using system properties, with values in milliseconds.

  • kotest.framework.timeout sets the combined test timeout
  • kotest.framework.invocation.timeout sets the invocation test timeouts.