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Version: 5.2

Composed Matchers

Composed matchers can be created for any class or interface by composing one or more other matchers along with the property to extract to test against. This allows us to build up complicated matchers from simpler ones.

For example, say we had the following structures:

data class Person(
val name: String,
val age: Int,
val address: Address,

data class Address(
val city: String,
val street: String,
val buildingNumber: String,

And our goal is to have a Person matcher that checks for people in Warsaw. We can define matchers for each of those components like this:

fun nameMatcher(name: String) = Matcher<String> {
value == name,
{ "Name $value should be $name" },
{ "Name $value should not be $name" }

fun ageMatcher(age: Int) = Matcher<Int> {
value == age,
{ "Age $value should be $age" },
{ "Age $value should not be $age" }

val addressMatcher = Matcher<Address> {
value == Address("Warsaw", "Test", "1/1"),
{ "Address $value should be Test 1/1 Warsaw" },
{ "Address $value should not be Test 1/1 Warsaw" }

Now we can simply combine these together to make a John in Warsaw matcher. Notice that we specify the property to extract to pass to each matcher in turn.

fun personMatcher(name: String, age: Int) = Matcher.compose(
nameMatcher(name) to Person::name,
ageMatcher(age) to Person::age,
addressMatcher to Person::address

And we could add the extension variant too:

fun Person.shouldBePerson(name: String, age: Int) = this shouldBe personMatcher(name, age)

Then we invoke like this:

Person("John", 21, Address("Warsaw", "Test", "1/1")).shouldBePerson("John", 21)
Person("Sam", 22, Address("Chicago", "Test", "1/1")).shouldBePerson("John", 21) // would fail