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Version: 5.2


To assert that a given block of code throws an exception, one can use the shouldThrow function. Eg,

shouldThrow<IllegalAccessException> {
// code in here that you expect to throw an IllegalAccessException

You can also check the caught exception:

val exception = shouldThrow<IllegalAccessException> {
// code in here that you expect to throw an IllegalAccessException
exception.message should startWith("Something went wrong")

If you want to test that a specific type of exception is thrown, then use shouldThrowExactly<E>. For example, the following block would catch a FileNotFoundException but not a IOException even though FileNotFoundException extends from IOException.

val exception = shouldThrowExactly<FileNotFoundException> {
// test here

If you simply want to test that any exception is thrown, regardles of type, then use shouldThrowAny.

val exception = shouldThrowAny {
// test here can throw any type of Throwable!