Mocking and Kotest
Kotest itself has no mock features. However, you can plug-in your favourite mocking library with ease!
Let's take for example mockk:
class MyTest : FunSpec({
val repository = mockk<MyRepository>()
val target = MyService(repository)
test("Saves to repository") {
every { } just Runs"a"))
verify(exactly = 1) {"a")) }
This example works as expected, but what if we add more tests that use that mockk?
class MyTest : FunSpec({
val repository = mockk<MyRepository>()
val target = MyService(repository)
test("Saves to repository") {
every { } just Runs"a"))
verify(exactly = 1) {"a")) }
test("Saves to repository as well") {
every { } just Runs"a"))
verify(exactly = 1) {"a")) }
The above snippet will cause an exception!
2 matching calls found, but needs at least 1 and at most 1 calls
This will happen because the mocks are not restarted between invocations. By default, Kotest isolates tests by creating a single instance of the spec for all the tests to run.
This leads to mocks being reused. But how can we fix this?
Option 1 - setup mocks before tests​
class MyTest : FunSpec({
lateinit var repository: MyRepository
lateinit var target: MyService
beforeTest {
repository = mockk()
target = MyService(repository)
test("Saves to repository") {
// ...
test("Saves to repository as well") {
// ...
Option 2 - reset mocks after tests​
class MyTest : FunSpec({
val repository = mockk<MyRepository>()
val target = MyService(repository)
afterTest {
test("Saves to repository") {
// ...
test("Saves to repository as well") {
// ...
Positioning the listeners​
As for any function that is executed inside the Spec definition, you can place listeners at the end
class MyTest : FunSpec({
val repository = mockk<MyRepository>()
val target = MyService(repository)
test("Saves to repository") {
// ...
test("Saves to repository as well") {
// ...
afterTest {
clearMocks(repository) // <---- End of file, better readability
Option 3 - Tweak the IsolationMode​
Depending on the usage, playing with the IsolationMode for a given Spec might be a good option as well. Head over to isolation mode documentation if you want to understand it better.
class MyTest : FunSpec({
val repository = mockk<MyRepository>()
val target = MyService(repository)
test("Saves to repository") {
// ...
test("Saves to repository as well") {
// ...
isolationMode = IsolationMode.InstancePerTest